Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A lot of crazy dancing in new Example video

Ok, so first of all, I know I am about a month late with this, but I just have to share this. Example has released (on December 31.) a video for his latest single Perfect Replacement. I saw it on TV a couple of minutes ago, and both the song and the video are just hypnotic! The song would make the dead wanna get up and dance, while the video is filled with some amazing rave dancing. The best thing for me is the song is a mix of so many genres. If you look it up on Wikipedia, besides the obvious dubstep and rave influence, you'll see this song also fits the genre of complextro (first time I heard of this, but it sounds awesome). I'm sure Example will nab another UK Dance No.1, but will it be No.1 on the official charts? I sure hope so, he deserves it.

Prvo da kazem da sam svestan toga da malo kasnim sa ovom vescu, tj videom, ali prosto ga moram podeliti sa vama. Britanski pevac i reper Example je pred Novu godinu izdao video za svoj najnoviji singl Perfect Replacement. I video i pesma su apsolutno hipnotisuci, makar za mene. Pesma ima takav ritam da bi i mrtve naterala da ustanu kako bi igrali, a video je ispunjen rejv igranjem. Sjajna kombinacija, pogotovo kad se vidi da je i sama pesma miks tolikih zanrova. Na prvo slusanje se bez mnogo razmisljanja mogu raspoznati dabstep i rejv, ali Vikipedija kaze da pesma spada i u zanr complextro (ne znam koji je to zanr, ali zvuci predobro). Siguran sam da ce Example uskoro moci da se pohvali jos jednim singlom koji je osvojio Britansku Dance listu, ali da li ce biti broj 1 i na oficijalnoj listi Britanskih singlova, videcemo kroz 3-4 nedelje kada singl bude izasao.

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