Sunday, March 31, 2013

Afrojack has a cool, yet weird new video out

One of the coolest and best music producers and DJs of today, Afrojack, has released a video for his latest Chris Brown-assisted single As Your Friend. The song itself is excellent. Sick beats and breaks mixed with Chris' vocals make it a definite floor-filler. When it comes to the video, I'm not sure I get it. Which is ok, cause most dance videos now don't make that much sense. If you're wondering what can you expect from the clip, expect eagles, fish, girls dancing, a fat Asian dude, lack of Chris Brown and a girl covered in golden paint. Oh, and let's not forget the girl with spiky eyebrows. A perfect blend of weirdness for today. The song already charted in US and the Netherlands, but not at such high positions. I hope with the release of the video, that will change.

Jedan od najboljih i najzanimljivijih producenata i DJeva danasnjice, Afrojack, je izdao spot za svoj najnoviji singl As Your Friend. Singl je uradjen u saradnji sa Chris Brown-om i pesma je sama po sebi sjajna. Ludi bitovi i brejkovi u miksu sa Chris-ovim vokalom ce definitivno ispuniti podijume u klubovima. Sto se tice samog spota, nisam siguran da razumem njegovu poentu, sto je ok jer vecina danasnjih spotova za dens pesme nema mnogo smisla. Ako vas zanima sta mozete ocekivati od klipa, ocekujte orla, ribe, seksi igracice, debelog azijata, nedostatak Chris-a i devojku prekrivenu zlatnom bojom. Naravno, ne treba zaboraviti i devojku sa siljcima umesto obrva. Savrsen miks cudnih stvari za jedan dan. Pesma je vec imala manjeg uspeha u Americi i Holandiji, pa se nadam da ce uspeh biti jos veci sada kada je i spot izasao.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Little mix make a colab with Missy Elliott on latest single

Girls from Little Mix are releasing their fourth single in a little more than a month. DNA's latest single is How Ya Doin' but it's not the album version, but the remix with Missy Elliott. I liked the song when I first heard it, I like it now, but I don't think Missy contributed much here. I am an absolute fan of Missy, and I am always happy when I hear a new song from her, but in my opinion this song could have done just fine without her. I sure hope Missy will release some good solo material soon, because I am a bit tired of seeing her only on remixes of other artist's songs.

Devojke iz grupe Little Mix izdaju svoj cetvrti singl kroz nesto vise od mesec dana. Najnoviji singl sa albuma DNA je How Ya Doin', ali nece biti izdata verzija sa albuma, vec remiks sa Missy Elliott. Meni se pesma dopadala u originalnom izdanju i dopada mi se i remiks, ali mislim da Missy-in doprinos ovde nije bio veliki. Ja sam njen fan i uvek me obraduje neka nova pesma od nje, ali mislim da je ova pesma mogla da prodje i bez nje. Iskreno se nadam da ce Missy uskoro izdati neki solo materijal, jer mi je vec dosadno da je samo cujem na remiksima pesama drugih izvodjaca.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Girls Aloud are no more

After a decade of hits, hot videos, and sold out arena tours, Girls Aloud, one of the biggest British girl groups, say goodbye to their fans. Rumors of the girls splitting have been there for a long time, and since the hiatus there were more and more of them. Now, after their biggest hits album, Ten, and another biggest hits tour, they officially stated: "We have now come to the end of our incredible time together." The message came from their official twitter, and after thanking the fans for sticking with them for so long, they announced the end of their career as a group. I do believe we will still hear more from Cheryl, Nadine, Nicola and the others, but now as solo artists. I was a big fan of the girls, and they did have some really good songs (some of my favorites can be seen at the end of the post), but I knew this day was coming, and while they will be missed, UK offers a lot of other amazing artists, so it's OK.

Nakon decenije ispunjene hitovima, seksi spotovima i rasprodatim turnejama, Girls Aloud, jedan od najvecih Britanskih girl-bendova je resio da je doslo vreme da se rastanu. Iako su glasine da ce se rastati tu vec godinama, sada je to i zvanicno. Prosle godine su izdale album sa najvecim hitovima, Ten, i sada kada su zavrsile i turneju, devojke su se oglasile preko svog twittera i rekle da je dosao kraj njihovom zajednickom putu. Devojke su se zahvalile fanovima na svoj podrsci i iako ih vise necemo slusati kao grupu, siguran sam da ce Cheryl, Nadine i ostatak grupe i dalje biti tu kao solo izvodjaci. Girls Aloud su definitivno bile odlicna grupa sa velikim hitovima (neke od mojih omiljenih mozete videti ispod), ali sam znao da ce se ovo kad tad desiti. Sva sreca te Velika Britanija ima toliko dobrih pevaca i grupa da se odsustvo devojaka nece toliko primetiti.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Beyonce wants you to bow down

She is back! Even though she never left. Beyonce released teasers for her two buzz singles Bow Down and I Been On. And after hearing them, I think it might have been better she took some time off. While Beyonce still has some of the most powerful vocals I've heard these songs are a step in the wrong direction if you ask me. Bow Down sounds more like a song for Nicki Minaj, while I Been On is... I don't know, just bad. If you listen to some of Beyonce's previous work, and then this, you will think: what happened to her?! And that's what I am thinking right now. The songs aren't disastrous, but I don't think it is what Beyonce needs to get back on top of the charts.

Vratila se! Iako je sve vreme bila tu. Beyonce je objavila tizere za dve pesme koje bi trebalo da oznace njen "povratak na scenu". U pitanju su Bow Down i I Been On. Nakon sto sam ih prvi put odslusao, mislim da bi Beyonce trebala da napravi pauzu. I to pravu pauzu, ne pauzu gde i dalje ima nastupe, dokumentarce i sta sve ne. Iako ima mocan vokal, ove pesme su korak u pogresnom pravcu. Bow Down zvuci kao pesma koja je za Nicki Minaj, dok je I Been On jednostavno losa. Ako se poslusaju pesme, odnosno, hitovi koje je Beyonce pre imala i ove nove pesme, covek se lako moze zapitati sta se desilo sa njom. I to je ono sto i mene zanima. Pesme nisu ocajne, ali nisu ni ono sto joj je potrebno da bi se vratila na vrhove top lista.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Iggy Azelea shows off her abs and lack of boobs in new video

Iggy Azalea released the video for her first official single Work. Work is a solid hip hop song with cool dance beats. Nothing special, yet something I wouldn't mind listening to. While many don't like Iggy's way of rapping, I find it pretty appealing and I think this song showed she's pretty good at it. When it comes to the video, there is just too much going on. Things on fire, a trailer park, girls twerkin and Iggy being a stripper is what you will see and while Iggy obviously works on her abs, she dresses in a not so flattering costume for her stripper scene. Two palm trees cover her nipples, but shows that Iggy is pretty flat chested. And while that's nothing bad, I think that scene was not needed in the video. All in all, I hope Iggy will have success with this single that is being released in the UK in two days.

Iggy Azalea je izdala video za svoj prvi zvanicni singl Work. Work je solidna hip hop pesma sa kul dens bitovima. Nista specijalno, ali opet se ne bih bunio kad bih cuo ovu pesmu na radiu. I iako mnogima smeta Iggy-in stil repovanja, meni je dopadljiv i mislim da je u ovoj pesmi pokazala da je dobra u repovanju. Sto se tice videa, dosta toga se dogadja. Zapaljene stvari, prikolice, devojke koje opasno mrdaju zadnjicama i Iggy kao striptizeta su stvari koje cete videti. I iako se vidi da Iggy radi na trbusnjacima, u sceni gde je striptizeta je pokazala jos nesto. Naime kostim koji je obukla ima dve palme koje joj prekrivaju bradavice, ali pokazuju koliko Iggy nije obdarena u tom podrucju. To naravno nije nista lose, ali mislim da je krajnje nepotreban deo u videu. U svakom slucaju, nadam se da ce Iggy imati uspeha sa ovim singlom koji prekosutra izlazi u Velikoj Britaniji.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

RaNia remain not so provocative in latest video

One of the most underrated K-pop girl groups, RaNia, make a comeback with their latest single Just Go. After getting many international, and not so many Korean fans with their previous singles Dr. Feel Good, Pop Pop Pop and Style, the girls are ready to conquer not only Korean, but American charts as well. Just Go is typical RaNia. A dance song with good lyrics and great vocals. The video for the song was released a couple of days ago and it's nothing spectacular but the girls still bust some pretty slick choreography. They hope that this will be the single to get them more Korean fans and to establish them as a name on the American market. Fingers crossed they succeed.

Jedna od najpotcenjenijih K-pop grupa, RaNia, se vraca na scenu sa najnovijim singlom Just Go. Nakon sto su zadobile veliku internacionalnu i malo manju bazu Korejskih fanova sa prethodnim singlovima Dr. Feel Good, Pop Pop Pop i Style, devojke su spremne da pokore ne samo Korejske nego i Americke top liste. Just Go je tipicna RaNia pesma. Dens pesma sa dobrim tekstom i sjajnim vokalima. Video nije nista specijalno, ali devojke ponovo imaju odlicno uvezbanu koreografiju. One se nadaju da ce im ovaj singl pomoci da pridobiju veci broj Korejskih fanova i da se potom probiju na Americko trziste.

Azealia Banks shouts her ass off in Yung Rapunxel

One of the girls with most feuds right now, Azealia Banks, premiered her latest song. She stopped arguing with fellow stars like Rita Ora and Iggy Azealia long enough to give her fans a taste of her upcoming album.Yung Rapunxel has been one of the most anticipated singles of this month, and I gotta say it ain't that bad. It's no 212, but it's definitely the Azealia we all know and love. The dark beats, crazy rapping and constant usage of the word "nigga" is what you can expect from this song. It's not what I really expected, but after a few spins, this really stays in your head. Let's hope the album is full of good surprises like this.

Jedna od devojaka koja se trenutno najvise svadja putem drustvenih medija, Azealia Banks, je izdala novu pesmu. Pauzirala je svoje svadje sa koleginicama Rita-om Ora-om i Iggy Azealia-om taman toliko da bi fanovima dala prvi singl sa najnovijeg albuma. Yung Rapunxel je jedan od najiscekivanijih singlova ovog meseca i mora se priznati da je pesma jako dobra. Naravno, nije nova 212, ali je definitivno u pitanju Azealia koju svi znamo i volimo. Mracni bitovi u mesavini sa hip hopom i konstantim koriscenjem reci "nigga" su ono sto mozete ocekivati od ove pesme. Nije bas ono sto sam ocekivao, ali nakon par slusanja, pesma mi je usla u uvo. Nadajmo se da je ceo album pun ovakvih prijatnih iznenadjenja.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Natalia Kills kills it with a new song!

By many, a Lady Gaga wannabe, Natalia Kills has been releasing amazing and completely atypical music for almost 3 years. I say atypical because each one of her songs is not really mainstream but not alternative as well. It's an amazing mixture of rock, pop, dance, and God knows what else. I liked her since she released Mirrors, and now she has a new track out called Problem. Infectious guitar riff, sick lyrics and Natalia's recognizably good vocals really make this song just what we needed. Just add a cool video, and I hope that will be enough for Natalia to finally get more worldwide recognition. She deserves it!

Po mnogima kopija Lady Gaga-e, Natalia Kills skoro tri godine izdaje sjajne i totalno atipicne pesme. Kazem atipicne jer nisu mejnstrim, a ni alternativa. One su sjajan miks popa, roka, dens muzike i ko zna jos cega. Cega god da je, miks uvek ispadne odlican. Ja sam njen fan od kako je izdala pesmu Mirrors, a sada nas sprema za svoj novi album sa pesmom Problem. Zarazni zvuk gitare, odlican tekst i Natalia-in prepoznatljivo dobar vokal su bas ono sto nam je trebalo. Nadam se da ce snimiti i neki video u svom stilu i da ce napokon dobiti malo vise paznje svetske javnosti. Ako je neko zasluzio to je Natalia Kills.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Dido releases a new typical Dido song

First of all, I have to say I am a fan of Dido and I think she has amazing vocals. With that being said I can say that I really don't like the new song she has released. The song is called No Freedom, and it has been out since mid-January, but the video just arrived. And while the video is cool, the lyrics are good, Dido's vocals are top-notch, it's just not working for me. I feel like I've heard this a thousand times before, and while I understand that Dido is the type of singer who is good with slower songs, enough is enough. I remember she once released a dance song (Everything To Lose) and it was a great song. So why not release another one like that? Why continue with heartbreaking ballads? I hope Dido will try to be more versatile cause I think I'm not the only one who is getting bored. Don't agree? Just look at the lack of chart success for her last few songs and you'll see.

Prvo bih da naglasim da gotivim Dido i da mislim da ima sjajan vokal. E, sad, kad sam to rekao, mogu reci i da mi se nimalo ne svidja poslednja pesma koju je izdala. Ime pesme je No Freedom i iako je singl izasao sredinom januara, spot za pesmu je izasao juce. I iako je video kul, tekst pesme dobar, a vokali Dido sjajni kao i uvek, pesma mi je krajnje dosadna. Cini mi se kao da istu stvar slusam po stoti put jer sve pesme od Dido pocinju da jako lice jedna na drugu. Razumem da joj jednostavno stoji takva vrsta muzike, ali sto je mnogo, mnogo je. Secam se da je pre par godina izdala pesmu Everything To Lose koja je bila u dens fazonu i pesma mi se jako dopala. Zasto ne nastavi u tom pravcu malo? Cemu vise srceparajuce balade? Nadam se da Dido uskoro pokazati malo veci varijetet kada su u pitanju njene pesme jer mislim da ja nisam jedini kome je postala dosadna. Ako mi ne verujete, pogledajte koliko uspeha su imali poslednjih par singlova, pa prosudite i sami.

Shystie and Azealia love their lollipops and slaves

Shystie is a British rapper and even thought she's been present on the UK music scene since 2004, I first heard of her today. She recently teamed up with Azealia Banks and made Control It, the first single from her EP Pink Mist that will come out April 28. And while I admit I only clicked on the video for the song because of Azealia, I enjoyed both her and Shystie. Control It is a dance song with hip hop elements and amazing beats. And with lyrics like "Choke me, spank me, pull my hair" you can be certain the song is a hit. Even though the song has been on the web for quite some time, the video was released just yesterday, and it goes perfectly with the lyrics of the song. Both girls are in black suits and lingerie with blue and red lollipops. Add two slaves on chains and you get the winning combination and "sex-with-class" as the video director described it. I am sure gonna keep an eye on this girl and she can count me as a fan if she releases more songs like this.

Shystie je Britanska reperka i iako je na muzickoj sceni jos od 2004, ja sam tek danas cuo za nju. Ona se skoro uortacila sa Azealia-om Banks i zajedno su napravile pesmu Control It koja ce posluziti kao prvi singl sa EP-a Pink Mist. Priznacu da sam na video kliknuo samo zbog Azealia-e, ali sam na kraju uzivao i u njenom i u Shystie-nom delu pesme. Contol It je dens pesma, ali se u pesmi vidi i uticaj hip hopa. Upecatljivi deo teksta "Choke me, spank me, pull my hair" vam govori sta mozete ocekivati od spota. I ocekivano smo i dobili. Devojke su obucene u crne kostime i donji ves i ne ispustaju lizalice iz ruke. Na sve to dodajte dva roba i eto spota koji je "sex-with-class" kako ga je opisao reziser. Sigurno cu obratiti paznju na materijal koji ce dalje objavljivati Shystie, jer ako nastavi da izbacuje ovako dobre pesme, moze biti uverena da ima novog fana.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cherish release a slick new track

Do you remember Cherish? Those four fly chicks that had a Killa track from Step Up 2 movie? No? They've been missing in action for some time now, but they are back. The girls released a new song via their official Youtube, and I gotta say it's pretty good. Going in Circles is the name of the song and it's a mid-tempo ballad. The song is about a relationship that is just not working (thus the phrase going in circles). Maybe that relationship is not working, but the song definitely works for me. It's a perfect song to chill to and I really hope it won't go unnoticed by the public and their fans. The only thing I don't get is if this will be an official or a promo single, or just a promo song to let us know they are back.

Da li se secate grupe Cherish? One cetiri devojke koje su imale sjajnu pesmu Killa iz filma Step Up 2? Ne? Ne cudi s obzirom da devojke nisu izdale nista novo jos od 2008. godine. Medjutim, to ce se promeniti. Cherish su objavile novu pesmu na svom oficijalnom Youtube kanalu i u pitanju je pesma Going in Circles. Going in Circles je balada a po tekstu se vidi da je tema pesme veza u kojoj stvari ne idu u pravom smeru. Pesma je po mom misljenju jako dobra i iako nije neka koja ce biti pustana u klubovima, mislim da ima potencijala da bude hit. Jos uvek mi nije jasno da li ce pesma biti oficijalni singl, promo singl ili samo promo pesma da kazu svetu da su zive, ali nadam se da ce Cherish nekako ispromovisati pesmu, pa makar ne napravila veliki bum na bilbordu i ostalim listama. Sada mislim da je samo bitno da se kao grupa sto vise promovisu, jer ako nesto fali Americi to je dobra zenska grupa.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Amelia Lily continues to make party songs

The X-Factor star, Amelia Lily, is releasing yet another club banger. Party Over is the latest Xenomania-produced track to come from the blonde beauty. And while I am a fan of hers and I think that her previous songs (You Bring Me Joy and Shut Up) are really good, I am beginning to wonder if Amelia's power vocals are used in the best way. I have nothing against the dance songs she is making, and I think working with Xenomania can make a star out of her, but still I think she should pause with the dance songs a bit, and try to make some cool ballads to really show her amazing voice. Now, coming back to the latest single, it sounds a bit generic, and it sounds like something we have already heard a million times. Yet, it has a infectious feel-good beat, so I am guessing it will still do good in charts. So far, we only have the lyrics video, but I am sure we can expect the official video to premiere soon.

Zvezda Britanskog X-Faktora, Amelia Lily, je izdala jos jednu pesmu koja ce biti popularna u klubovima. Pesma se zove Party Over i producent pesme je ponovo Xenomania. Iako sam fan Amelia-e i iako volim njene prethodne singlove (You Bring Me Joy i Shut Up), pocinjem da se pitam da li su njene voklane sposobnosti iskoriscene na pravi nacin. Da se razumemo, ja nemam nista protiv dens pesama i mislim da je pametno to sto saradjuje sa Xenomania-om, ali mislim da bi bilo dobro da pauzira sa dens pesmama i da objavi neku baladu u kojoj ce stvarno pokazati kakav glas ima. Sto se tice najnovije pesme, ona zvuci pomalo genericno i kao nesto sto smo culi vec stotinu puta. Medjutim, sa zaraznim ritmom koji podize raspolozenje, siguran sam da ce i Party Over imati uspeha na top listama. Za sada je izdat samo video sa tekstom pesme, dok ce oficijalni video verovatno izaci u narednih nekoliko dana.