Thursday, February 28, 2013

Inna remains the Romanian dance queen

Tomorrow is the day Inna releases her third studio album Party Never Ends. I've been waiting for this album for a long time, and I will be very happy when it is released tomorrow. And what an album it will be. According to Wikipedia the regular edition of the album will have 16 songs, while the Deluxe one will have 24! That's a lot of songs! And to make things even better in the last couple of days, she has been releasing online videos for some of the songs from the album. Below you will find my current favorites: Lover, Fall in Love and Tonight (yup, the same Tonight we heard on Alexandra Burke's 2012 album). I hope the rest of the album sound just as amazing as these songs.

Sutra je dan kada ce Inna objaviti svoj treci studijski album Party Never Ends. S obzirom na to da sam dugo cekao ovaj album, veoma sam srecan sto napokon izlazi. Obicno izdanje albuma sadrzi 16 pesama, dok ce deluks izdanje imati 24 pesme! To je dosta pesama koje ce se sigurno pustati na mnogim zurkama ove godine! Inna je pored svega toga prethodnih par dana objavljivala onlajn video klipove za neke od pesama sa albuma. Moji trenutni favoriti su: Lover, Fall in Love i Tonight (da, ista pesma Tonight koju smo culi na albumu Alexandra-e Burke iz 2012.). Nadam se da ce i ostatak albuma biti ovako dobar!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Paramore end war in a new video

Who knew a hug was all it takes to end battles and wars?! Well, at least that's what Hayley and the gang are saying in a new video. The video for their latest single Now has just been released and it's pretty good. The video revolves around a battle with lots of exploding colors everywhere, and while the guys are really fighting, Hayley can be seen marching toward the commander of the "enemies". And just when she arrives and is about to get hit by the guy, she hugs him, and all the fighting stops. Nice message. As for the song, it's good, but in my opinion nowhere near as good as band's previous material CrushCrushCrush, Decode or Monster. Now will also serve as the first single from Paramore's fourth, self-titled album. Looking forward to hearing how the band sounds without the two founding members who left the band in late 2010.

Ko bi pomislio da je zagrljaj sve sto je potrebno da se okoncaju bitke i ratovi?! To je makar ono sto nam porucuju Hayley i momci u novom spotu za pesmu Now. U video klipu je prikazana borba izmedju benda i vojnih snaga. Video je krajnje saren i jedina stvar koju ne razumem je zasto Hayley ima bolesno sive-bele obrve? U svakom slucaju, dok se momci bore, glavna pevacica vecinu videa marsisa ka komandantu "neprijateljskih snaga" i kad na kraju dodje do njega, ona ga grli sto odmah okoncava bitku. Fina poruka. Sto se tice pesme, dobra je, ali po mom misljenju ni priblizno dobra kao hitovi kao sto su CrushCrushCrush, Decode ili Monster. Now ce inace posluziti kao prvi singl sa cetvrtog albuma benda koji i nosi ime benda, Paramore. Ja jedva cekam da cujem nove pesme i da vidim kako se bend snasao bez dvojice osnivaca benda koji su napustili bend krajem 2010. godine.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Rihanna takes a bath in Stay video

Rihanna has released the video for her single, and one of her best ballads, Stay. The Mikky Ekko assisted single has had some success in Europe, especially in UK where it reached the top 5. The video is so simple it couldn't be simpler, yet I don't think a ballad like this needs anything more. Throughout the video Rihana can be seen being all sad in a bathtub while Mikky is sitting near just posing. And that's it. Budget for the video must have been a hundred bucks. But again, I say that's ok. The only thing I don't understand is why she didn't release this in US instead of Pour It Up.

Rihanna je izdala video za svoj singl, i jednu od svojih najboljih balada, Stay. Pesma koju je uradila u kolaboraciji sa Mikky Ekko-om je imala uspeh u Evropi, pogotovo u Velikoj Britaniji gde je usla u top 5. Video je toliko jednostavan, da prostiji ne moze biti, ali ipak ovakvoj baladi nije potrebno vise. Rihanna je tuzna i u kadi a Mikky pozira pored nje. I to je to. Budzet za video je verovatno bio 100 dolara. Ali opet kazem, to je ok. Jedina stvar koju ne razumem je zasto Rihanna nije izdala ovu pesmu kao singl u Americi umesto Pour It Up.

Drake shows off in a new video

The guy who is responsible for overpopulating the most idiotic phrase ever, YOLO, is back with a new video. Drake released the video for his song Started From The Bottom which will also serve as the first single from his third album. As you would expect, the video shows Drake "struggling" and going from a guy who works at a local shop with some weird-bearded guy to living the life everyone is wishing for. Everything from private airplanes to massive pool parties can be seen. So, all in all nothing surprising or inventive can be seen. And I would like to add that even though the song was critically acclaimed, I don't get why he has to say Started from the bottom a thousand times in the song. I got it after the first eight times he said it in the hook.

Momak kojeg mozemo okriviti za popularizaciju idiotske fraze YOLO se vratio na scenu sa novim videom. Drake je izdao video klip za pesmu Started From The Bottom koja ce ujedno posluziti i kao prvi singl sa njegovog treceg albuma. Kao sto se da za ocekivati, u video klipu se moze videti kako se Drake borio da postane neko i nesto. U pocetku je radio u obicnoj prodavnici sa likom sa cudnom bradom, da bi na kraju imao privatni avion. U klipu se mogu videti i besna kola, kao i lude kucne zurke pored bazena. Dakle, nista iznenadjujuce. Hteo bih da dodam da iako je pesma pohvaljena od strane kritike, meni nije jasno zasto Drake mora hiljadu puta da ponovi u pesmi da je krenuo od dna. Skontao sam to nakon prvih osam puta kad je to rekao na pocetku pesme.

Monday, February 11, 2013

JT makes more hype with a grammy performance and a new song

Justin is really working hard to promote the new album properly. First of all he performed at this year's Grammys. Even though I am still not a fan of his latest song Suit & Tie, I can't say that the performance was bad. It was actually good, very good. And if that's not enough to get fans excited about the new album, JT went and released a new song on iTunes. The song is titled Mirrors and is in my opinion much better than Suit & Tie. Even though the song sounds like some older material that was supposed to be on Futuresex/Lovesounds album, I like it. It is classic JT and the only possible bad thing about the song is that it's 8 minutes long! Too much? Probably. But still, I don't care, I just hope that the rest of the album is similar to this.

Justin naporno radi na promociji svog novog albuma. Prvo je tu bio nastup na sinocnjoj dodeli gremu nagrada i iako nisam fan njegovog najnovijeg sinlga Suit & Tie, ne mogu da kazem da je nastup bio los. Nastup je cak bio dobar, veoma dobar. I ako to nije bilo dovoljno da fanove zainteresuje za novi album, Justin je preko servisa iTunes izdao novu pesmu Mirrors. Ona ce posluziti kao promo singl i mogu vam reci da mi je mnogo bolja od Suit & Tie. Iako mozda isuvise zvuci kao da je trebala da bude na prethodnom albumu Futuresex/Lovesounds, pesma je odlicna. Jedina stvar koju bih mogao da prigovorim je to sto pesma traje 8 minuta! Predugacko? Moguce. Ali necu mu zameriti dokle god je ostatak albuma uradjen u ovom stilu.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Eminem preparing a new album for this summer

After having huge success with his last album Recovery, Eminem is getting ready to release his eight studio album after Memorial day this year. That means that Marshall's fans can expect the album in June, at earliest. His team has said that the album can be expected probably during summer since Eminem will have some gigs in Europe this August. Knowing that he hasn't released any new solo singles since 2011, this will definitely be good news for his fans. I am also very eager to hear some new Shady music whether it is serious stuff like Not Afraid, or goofy song like Ass Like That.

Nakon velikog uspeha koji je postigao sa svojim poslednjim albumom Recovery, Eminem je spreman da izda svoj osmi studijski album nakon Dana pomena u Americi. To znaci da ce njegovi fanovi moci da ocekuju ovaj album najranije u junu. Eminemov tim je saopstio da ce album najverovatnije biti izdat u toku leta s obzirom da Eminem ima nekoliko nastupa u Evropi tokom avgusta. Posto nije izdao nijedan novi singl od 2011, ovo je sigurno sjajna vest za njegove fanove. Kako spadam u njegove fanove, i ja jedva cekam da cujem nesto novo od Slim Shady-ja bez obzira da li to bila neka ozbiljnije pesma poput Not Afraid ili otkacena poput Ass Like That.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A year without Whitney Houston

This Monday it will be exactly one year since the legendary Whitney Houston passed away. In light of that, the famous wax museum Madame Tussands has revealed four sculptures of the diva. Gotta say the New York and the Washington sculptures (the first two on the left) look pretty close to Whitney. The singer who won six Grammys will be remembered in a documentary that will air an hour before this year's Grammy awards. Makes sense knowing she passed away last year, just the night before the 2012 Grammys. Also, in a recent poll by Harris Interactive, the US population chose the singer's hit I Will Always Love You as the best love song of all times. Seems even though she has been missing for a year, the singer's legacy will last for a long time.

Ovog ponedeljka ce biti tacno godinu dana od kada je legendarna Whitney Houston preminula. Moguce je da je upravo zato poznati muzej vostanih figura Madam Tiso sada svetu otkrio cetiri figure poznate dive. Moram priznati da prve dve figure sa leve strane (koje predstavljaju Whitney u Vasingtonu i Njujorku) dosta podsecaju na Whitney. Pevacica, koja je osvojila sest gremi nagrada, ce biti glavna tema dokumentarca koji ce biti na televiziji sat vremena pre ovogodisnje dodele gremija. Ova vest je donekle i ocekivana znajuci da je pevacica preminula prosle godine, vece pred tadasnju dodelu nagrada. Pored svega ovoga, pevacicin hit I Will Always Love You, je od strane Americke publike izabran za najbolju ljubavnu pesmu svih vremena. Izgleda da, iako je pevacica mrtva vec godinu dana, njeni hitovi ce se dugo pamtiti.

Friday, February 8, 2013

JT reveals his 20/20 album cover and track listing

 Justin Timberlake definitely has one of the coolest album covers I have recently seen. For his The 20/20 Experience cover JT can be seen wearing a phoropter. Crazy stuff, I know. When it comes to the album's name, Justin said that it came to him after his best friend said that his new music is the music that you can see. I just hope his friend wasn't high at the time. The track listing isn't huge, but there are some cool song names on it
1. Pusher Love Girl
2. Suit & Tie (feat. Jay-Z)
3. Don’t Hold the Wall
4. Strawberry Bubblegum
5. Tunnel Vision
6. Spaceship Coupe
7. That Girl
8. Let the Groove Get In
9. Mirrors
10. Blue Ocean Floor

Even though I am not a fan of his first new single Suit & Tie, I am still looking forward to the album, hoping it will have some signature JT music on it. So what do you expect from The 20/20 Experience?

Justin Timberlake je definitivno vlasnik jednog od najboljih omota za album koje sam skorije video. Na slici za album The 20/20 Experience mozete videti Justin-a kako na sebi nosi fotoreptor. Sto se tice imena albuma, on je dosao nakon sto je Justin-ov najbolji prijatelj za njegovu novu muziku rekao da je to muzika koja se moze videti. Nadam se da u datom trenutku taj prijatelj nije bio pod haluciogenim sredstvima. Na novom albumu ima "samo" 10 novih pesama, ali sa jako dobrim imenima
1. Pusher Love Girl
2. Suit & Tie (feat. Jay-Z)
3. Don’t Hold the Wall
4. Strawberry Bubblegum
5. Tunnel Vision
6. Spaceship Coupe
7. That Girl
8. Let the Groove Get In
9. Mirrors
10. Blue Ocean Floor

Iako mi se prvi singl Suit & Tie nije dopao, jedva cekam da cujem ostatak albuma u nadi da na njemu ima onih dobrih pesama po kojima je Justin bio prepoznatljiv. Sta vi ocekujete od novog albuma JT-a?

Fall Out Boy are making a comeback

Fall Out Boy are coming back to save rock and roll! At least that's what the name of their new album is suggesting. The rockers from USA have released a new song, and a new video last Sunday, and they are preparing their sixth album (titled Save Rock And Roll) for a May 2013 release. For those of you who have forgotten, the boys have had a couple of successful hits 6-7 years ago, but were on hiatus since 2009. Some of their biggest hits are: This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race, Thnx Fr Th Mmrs and Beat It. Their newest single is called My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Them Up). Yeah, that's a long title. But the song is just what you'd expect from them - awesome. I really liked their previous material, and they haven't disappointed with the new song. The lyrics are cool, the music rocks and the vocals are still top notch. As for the video, rapper 2 Chainz makes a cameo, and alongside two girls burns and destroys some rock equipment. The guys from the band aren't seen until the very last seconds of the video when you see them trapped in a van. I guess if the video continued, you'd see the guys freeing themselves and fighting the rapper in order to save rock and roll. All in all, I really enjoyed both the song and the video, and can't wait to hear the rest of the album.

Fall Out Boy se vracaju na scenu kako bi spasili rokenrol! Makar to nagovestava ime njihovog sestog albuma (Save Rock And Roll). Prethodne nedelje su momci objavili novu pesmu i video i najavili da ce u maju izdati album. Ako ste zaboravili, momci su bili popricilno uspesni pre 6-7 godina, ali su od 2009. bili na pauzi i posvetili se solo karijerama. Neki od njihovih najvecih hitova su: This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race, Thnx Fr Th Mmrs i Beat It. Njihov najnoviji singl se zove My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Them Up). Dug naziv za pesmu. Ali je pesma upravo onakva kakvu ocekujem - sjajna. Svidjale su mi se njihove prethodne pesme, tako da sa novom pesmom nisu razocarali. Tekst muzike je kul, muzika je odlicna, a vokali su i dalje veoma jaki. Sto se tice video klipa, u njemu se pojavljuje reper 2 Chainz koji zajedno sa dve devojke pali opremu rok benda. Momci se ne vide u spotu sve do samog kraja kada je prikazano da su kidnapovani i da su u zadnjem delu kombija. Pretpostavljam da bi, kad bi se video nastavio, sledeca scena bila njihovo oslobadjanje i borba za spas rok muzike. Sve u svemu, i pesma i video su odlican povratak i jedva cekam da cujem sta su jos novo spremili.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sean Paul makes What About Us a hot mess

As I stated before I am a fan of The Sats. I am also a fan of one of the coolest reggae artists, Sean Paul. And when I heard they will collaborate on a single, I was excited. Now that the end result is here, I am excited no more. I just started enjoying What About Us (The Saturdays solo version) but now they ruined it a bit for me. Even though many critics praised the Sean Paul part I just don't get it. I mean the girls are singing, everything is going nicely, and all of a sudden, Sean goes YO! over their voices for no good reason. Then 10 seconds later it's C'MON C'MON again clashing with the original vocals of the girls. The song sounds like a rushed remix more then a proper single. I get it that the girls wanted to get more people talking about them by releasing a song with someone as famous as Sean Paul, but this song is just not doing it for me.
Thank God it will only be released in UK, while the US got the solo version.

Kao sto sam ranije rekao, fan sam grupe The Saturdays. Takodje sam fan Sean Paul-a. I onda je sasvim jasno zasto sam bio uzbudjen kad sam cuo da ce oni uraditi zajednicki singl. Medjutim, sada kada je pesma tu, uzbudjenje je nestalo. Taman kad sam poceo da uzivam u solo verziji pesme What About Us gde se cuju samo devojke, one su odlucile da izdaju video koji ce sluziti za promociju kolaboracije sa Sean-om i opet mi pesma nije nesto. Iako sam citao da su kriticari dali pozitivne kritike Sean-ovom delu u pesmi, meni je njegov deo apsolutno nepotreban u pesmi. Jednostavno se ne uklapa. Zasto? U sred pesme, dok devojke pevaju svoj deo, uskace Sean sa jednim YO, potom desetak sekundi kasnije sa C'MON C'MON i to sve preko glasova devojaka. Pesma vise zvuci kao neki uzurbani i lose odradjen remix nego kao pravi singl. Razumem da su devojke htele da povecaju broj svojih fanova tako sto ce uraditi kolaboraciju sa nekim velikim imenom, ali mislim da je ovo bio los pokusaj.

A lot of crazy dancing in new Example video

Ok, so first of all, I know I am about a month late with this, but I just have to share this. Example has released (on December 31.) a video for his latest single Perfect Replacement. I saw it on TV a couple of minutes ago, and both the song and the video are just hypnotic! The song would make the dead wanna get up and dance, while the video is filled with some amazing rave dancing. The best thing for me is the song is a mix of so many genres. If you look it up on Wikipedia, besides the obvious dubstep and rave influence, you'll see this song also fits the genre of complextro (first time I heard of this, but it sounds awesome). I'm sure Example will nab another UK Dance No.1, but will it be No.1 on the official charts? I sure hope so, he deserves it.

Prvo da kazem da sam svestan toga da malo kasnim sa ovom vescu, tj videom, ali prosto ga moram podeliti sa vama. Britanski pevac i reper Example je pred Novu godinu izdao video za svoj najnoviji singl Perfect Replacement. I video i pesma su apsolutno hipnotisuci, makar za mene. Pesma ima takav ritam da bi i mrtve naterala da ustanu kako bi igrali, a video je ispunjen rejv igranjem. Sjajna kombinacija, pogotovo kad se vidi da je i sama pesma miks tolikih zanrova. Na prvo slusanje se bez mnogo razmisljanja mogu raspoznati dabstep i rejv, ali Vikipedija kaze da pesma spada i u zanr complextro (ne znam koji je to zanr, ali zvuci predobro). Siguran sam da ce Example uskoro moci da se pohvali jos jednim singlom koji je osvojio Britansku Dance listu, ali da li ce biti broj 1 i na oficijalnoj listi Britanskih singlova, videcemo kroz 3-4 nedelje kada singl bude izasao.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Little Mix release a video for Change Your Life

The group that won the UK X factor 2 years ago has released the video for their third single of the debut album DNA. The song titled Change Your Life is one of those empowering ballads that will most probably be a huge success with teen girls. So when the lyrics are "We’re gonna stick together, know we’ll get through it all" you would expect some goofy, cute video. And Little Mix delivered just that. The video takes you backstage with the girls, showing you their silly side. The only thing I don't realize is why do two of the members have purple and blue hair? I hope it's not some new trend cause I don't wanna see my girlfriend with green hair tomorrow. Anyways, the single will be officially released tomorrow, and we'll see if they'll get their third number 1 or top 10 single.

Prva (i zasada) jedina grupa koja je pobedila u Britanskom izdranju X faktora, Little Mix, je izdala video klip za njihov treci singl sa debi albuma DNA. Pesma Change Your Life je jedna od onih balada koje slusaju ucveljene tinejdzerke kada im u zivotu ne cvetaju ruze. S obzirom da se u refrenu moze cuti "We’re gonna stick together, know we’ll get through it all", od videa se ocekivalo da bude blesav i simpatican. I upravo to smo i dobili. Devojke su nam pokazale kako to izgleda u bekstejdzu i naravno htele da dokazu da su iste kao i svi mi. Jedina stvar koju ne razumem je zasto dve clanice imaju plavu i ljubicastu kosu. Nadam se da to nije neki trend koji ce preci i na nase devojke. U svakom slucaju, singl ce sutra biti zvanicno izdat na itunes-u pa cemo videti da li ce ovo biti njihov treci singl koji ce biti broj 1 ili ce pesma "samo" uci u top 10.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Ester Dean makes another superstar colab

One of the coolest songwriters, Ester Dean, has released a new song How You Love It. The Missy Elliott collaboration serves as a new "lead single" from Ester's first studio album Story Never Told. Ester has written for many of today's biggest singers, such as Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, Usher, etc. But she has never had a hit herself. Her only charting song was Drop It Low, and that song was merely a top 40 hit. So, will Ester have more luck with this song? I am not sure, but it feels good to hear something new from Ester, and of course from the amazing Missy.

Tekstopisac koji je radio sa nekim od najvecih zvezda danasnjice, Ester Dean, je izdala novu pesmu How You Love It. Pesma ce posluziti kao novi "singl prvenac" sa pevacicinog debi albuma Story Never Told. Iako je Ester odgovorna za mnoge hitove danasnjih zvezda kao sto su Rihanna, Christina Aguilera i Usher, ona nikada nije imala svoj hit. Jedina pesma koja je uspela da dostigne status Top 40 hita je njena kolaboracija sa Chris Brown-om, Drop It Low. Da li ce ova pesma uspeti da promeni stanje? Nisam siguran. Ali dobro je cuti nesto novo od Ester i od neponovljive Missy.

Cassie releases new song, still not back for real

So, Cassie joined forces with Trina and Lola Monroe to release one of the coolest remixes of the year, so far. The song is All Gold, All Girls, and all of three of the ladies killed it. The hip-hop remix sees the girls at their A-game. Both Trina's and Lola's verses are smoking while Cassie's voice sounds as good as always, and it makes you wonder how come she is still not releasing any new album. Here's to hoping her career gets a push in the right direction soon!

Cassie je udruzila snage sa Trina-om i Lola-om Monroe kako bi izdale jedan od najboljih remiksa ove godine. Pesma All Gold, All Girls pokazuje da devojke stvarno imaju dosta talenta. Iako je Cassie jedan od boljih glasova rnb-a, odlicno se snasla i u ovom hip hop remiksu. Trina i Lola Monroe (za koju sada prvi put cujem) su odlicno odrepovale svoj deo, a Cassie-in glas je veoma izazovan i opustajuci. Odlicna kombinacija, pa se nadam da ce remiks imati uspeha i na top listama. Takodje, bilo bi lepo a u skorije vreme Cassie izda i album jer od nakon albuma prvenca koji je izasao 2006 godine nije bilo nicega sem par propalih (mada poprilicno dobrih) singlova.