Friday, February 1, 2013

Ester Dean makes another superstar colab

One of the coolest songwriters, Ester Dean, has released a new song How You Love It. The Missy Elliott collaboration serves as a new "lead single" from Ester's first studio album Story Never Told. Ester has written for many of today's biggest singers, such as Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, Usher, etc. But she has never had a hit herself. Her only charting song was Drop It Low, and that song was merely a top 40 hit. So, will Ester have more luck with this song? I am not sure, but it feels good to hear something new from Ester, and of course from the amazing Missy.

Tekstopisac koji je radio sa nekim od najvecih zvezda danasnjice, Ester Dean, je izdala novu pesmu How You Love It. Pesma ce posluziti kao novi "singl prvenac" sa pevacicinog debi albuma Story Never Told. Iako je Ester odgovorna za mnoge hitove danasnjih zvezda kao sto su Rihanna, Christina Aguilera i Usher, ona nikada nije imala svoj hit. Jedina pesma koja je uspela da dostigne status Top 40 hita je njena kolaboracija sa Chris Brown-om, Drop It Low. Da li ce ova pesma uspeti da promeni stanje? Nisam siguran. Ali dobro je cuti nesto novo od Ester i od neponovljive Missy.

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