Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Paramore end war in a new video

Who knew a hug was all it takes to end battles and wars?! Well, at least that's what Hayley and the gang are saying in a new video. The video for their latest single Now has just been released and it's pretty good. The video revolves around a battle with lots of exploding colors everywhere, and while the guys are really fighting, Hayley can be seen marching toward the commander of the "enemies". And just when she arrives and is about to get hit by the guy, she hugs him, and all the fighting stops. Nice message. As for the song, it's good, but in my opinion nowhere near as good as band's previous material CrushCrushCrush, Decode or Monster. Now will also serve as the first single from Paramore's fourth, self-titled album. Looking forward to hearing how the band sounds without the two founding members who left the band in late 2010.

Ko bi pomislio da je zagrljaj sve sto je potrebno da se okoncaju bitke i ratovi?! To je makar ono sto nam porucuju Hayley i momci u novom spotu za pesmu Now. U video klipu je prikazana borba izmedju benda i vojnih snaga. Video je krajnje saren i jedina stvar koju ne razumem je zasto Hayley ima bolesno sive-bele obrve? U svakom slucaju, dok se momci bore, glavna pevacica vecinu videa marsisa ka komandantu "neprijateljskih snaga" i kad na kraju dodje do njega, ona ga grli sto odmah okoncava bitku. Fina poruka. Sto se tice pesme, dobra je, ali po mom misljenju ni priblizno dobra kao hitovi kao sto su CrushCrushCrush, Decode ili Monster. Now ce inace posluziti kao prvi singl sa cetvrtog albuma benda koji i nosi ime benda, Paramore. Ja jedva cekam da cujem nove pesme i da vidim kako se bend snasao bez dvojice osnivaca benda koji su napustili bend krajem 2010. godine.

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