This Monday it will be exactly one year since the legendary Whitney Houston passed away. In light of that, the famous wax museum Madame Tussands has revealed four sculptures of the diva. Gotta say the New York and the Washington sculptures (the first two on the left) look pretty close to Whitney. The singer who won six Grammys will be remembered in a documentary that will air an hour before this year's Grammy awards. Makes sense knowing she passed away last year, just the night before the 2012 Grammys. Also, in a recent poll by Harris Interactive, the US population chose the singer's hit I Will Always Love You as the best love song of all times. Seems even though she has been missing for a year, the singer's legacy will last for a long time.
Ovog ponedeljka ce biti tacno godinu dana od kada je legendarna Whitney Houston preminula. Moguce je da je upravo zato poznati muzej vostanih figura Madam Tiso sada svetu otkrio cetiri figure poznate dive. Moram priznati da prve dve figure sa leve strane (koje predstavljaju Whitney u Vasingtonu i Njujorku) dosta podsecaju na Whitney. Pevacica, koja je osvojila sest gremi nagrada, ce biti glavna tema dokumentarca koji ce biti na televiziji sat vremena pre ovogodisnje dodele gremija. Ova vest je donekle i ocekivana znajuci da je pevacica preminula prosle godine, vece pred tadasnju dodelu nagrada. Pored svega ovoga, pevacicin hit I Will Always Love You, je od strane Americke publike izabran za najbolju ljubavnu pesmu svih vremena. Izgleda da, iako je pevacica mrtva vec godinu dana, njeni hitovi ce se dugo pamtiti.
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