Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sean Paul makes What About Us a hot mess

As I stated before I am a fan of The Sats. I am also a fan of one of the coolest reggae artists, Sean Paul. And when I heard they will collaborate on a single, I was excited. Now that the end result is here, I am excited no more. I just started enjoying What About Us (The Saturdays solo version) but now they ruined it a bit for me. Even though many critics praised the Sean Paul part I just don't get it. I mean the girls are singing, everything is going nicely, and all of a sudden, Sean goes YO! over their voices for no good reason. Then 10 seconds later it's C'MON C'MON again clashing with the original vocals of the girls. The song sounds like a rushed remix more then a proper single. I get it that the girls wanted to get more people talking about them by releasing a song with someone as famous as Sean Paul, but this song is just not doing it for me.
Thank God it will only be released in UK, while the US got the solo version.

Kao sto sam ranije rekao, fan sam grupe The Saturdays. Takodje sam fan Sean Paul-a. I onda je sasvim jasno zasto sam bio uzbudjen kad sam cuo da ce oni uraditi zajednicki singl. Medjutim, sada kada je pesma tu, uzbudjenje je nestalo. Taman kad sam poceo da uzivam u solo verziji pesme What About Us gde se cuju samo devojke, one su odlucile da izdaju video koji ce sluziti za promociju kolaboracije sa Sean-om i opet mi pesma nije nesto. Iako sam citao da su kriticari dali pozitivne kritike Sean-ovom delu u pesmi, meni je njegov deo apsolutno nepotreban u pesmi. Jednostavno se ne uklapa. Zasto? U sred pesme, dok devojke pevaju svoj deo, uskace Sean sa jednim YO, potom desetak sekundi kasnije sa C'MON C'MON i to sve preko glasova devojaka. Pesma vise zvuci kao neki uzurbani i lose odradjen remix nego kao pravi singl. Razumem da su devojke htele da povecaju broj svojih fanova tako sto ce uraditi kolaboraciju sa nekim velikim imenom, ali mislim da je ovo bio los pokusaj.

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