The guy who is responsible for overpopulating the most idiotic phrase ever, YOLO, is back with a new video. Drake released the video for his song Started From The Bottom which will also serve as the first single from his third album. As you would expect, the video shows Drake "struggling" and going from a guy who works at a local shop with some weird-bearded guy to living the life everyone is wishing for. Everything from private airplanes to massive pool parties can be seen. So, all in all nothing surprising or inventive can be seen. And I would like to add that even though the song was critically acclaimed, I don't get why he has to say Started from the bottom a thousand times in the song. I got it after the first eight times he said it in the hook.
Momak kojeg mozemo okriviti za popularizaciju idiotske fraze YOLO se vratio na scenu sa novim videom. Drake je izdao video klip za pesmu Started From The Bottom koja ce ujedno posluziti i kao prvi singl sa njegovog treceg albuma. Kao sto se da za ocekivati, u video klipu se moze videti kako se Drake borio da postane neko i nesto. U pocetku je radio u obicnoj prodavnici sa likom sa cudnom bradom, da bi na kraju imao privatni avion. U klipu se mogu videti i besna kola, kao i lude kucne zurke pored bazena. Dakle, nista iznenadjujuce. Hteo bih da dodam da iako je pesma pohvaljena od strane kritike, meni nije jasno zasto Drake mora hiljadu puta da ponovi u pesmi da je krenuo od dna. Skontao sam to nakon prvih osam puta kad je to rekao na pocetku pesme.
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