Cascada, the German dance act best known for party anthems Everytime We Touch and Evacuate The Dancefloor, are hoping to represent Germany in this year's Eurovision Song Contest in Malmo. They will compete with 11 other acts on February 14. hoping to get the most votes from German audience, the jury and the Internet community. They will compete with the song Glorious and the song had it official premiere yesterday. It is nothing spectacular, but it also isn't that bad. If you liked previous Cascada material, especially from their last album Original Me, then this song is for you. I haven't heard the other songs, but I would guess Cascada have a decent chance to be chosen as the German act for Malmo.
Cascada, koja je poznata publici sirom sveta zbog pesama Everytime We Touch i Evacuate The Dancefloor, se nada da ce biti nemacki predstavnik na Evroviziji ove godine. Bend se prijavio da se bori sa 11 drugih izvodjaca, nadajuci se da ce 14. februara bas oni biti izabrani. Pobednik ce biti izabran tako sto ce trecinu glasova ciniti glasovi putem sms-a, trecinu cini ziri, a trecinu internet glasaci. Cascada ce nastupati sa pesmom Glorious, a pesma je premijerno pustena juce na nemackom radiu. Pesma nastavlja tradiciju solidnih dens pesama kakve smo i navikli da cujemo od benda. Iako nisam cuo ostatak pesama koje se bore za Malmo, siguran sam da Cascada ima dobre sanse da bude pobednik.
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