Saturday, January 5, 2013

Top 15 songs of 2012

Since it is a slow start of the year when it comes with music news and new music, I thought the best way to start the year is to make a recapitulation of the last years biggest hits (in my opinion, of course).

Posto je malo sporiji pocetak godine kada su u pitanju muzicke vesti i nova muzika, mislim da je najbolje da krenemo ovu godinu (a i ovaj blog) sa rekapitulacijom najvecih proslogodisnjih hitova (naravno, najvecih hitova po mom misljenju).

15. Jay-Z and Kanye West Ft. Frank Ocean and The Dream -
No Church In The Wild

What can I say? The dream team has gathered to make one of the coolest and smoothest hip hop songs of the year. It also doesn't hurt that the lyrics are amazingly well written. It didn't make quite an impact on the charts, but it did in my music collection.

Sta reci? Drim tim se okupio da napravi jednu od najboljih hip hop pesama godine. Sjajan tekst nije na odmet. Iako pesma nije bila previse uspesna na muzickim listama, na mene je ostavila jak utisak.

14. Mike Candys - Fly So High

Swiss DJ Mike Candys made one of the songs that marked my summer. You can just imagine yourself cruising in a car on a road near the beach, and this song is blaring from your speakers.

Pesma Fly So High Svajcarskog DJ-a Mike Candys-a je definitivno obelezila moje leto 2012. godine. Samo zamislite sebe u kolima kako idete putem pored plaze, a ova pesma na radiu. Raj!

13. Ferry Corsten Ft. Ben Hague - Ain't No Stoppin'

Killer dance track. Ferry really outdid himself with this one. The song was released in February and it is still on my every day playlist.

Odlicna dens numera. Ferry, kojeg gotivim i ciji rad pratim vec nekoliko godina, je napravio jednu od najboljih dens pesama 2012. godine. Iako je pesma izdata u februaru i dalje je slusam svaki dan.

12. Adele - Skyfall

To be honest, not a huge fan of Adele. Yes, she has an amazing voice, and yes her songs have meaning, but still her songs are in my opinion just too much for teenage brokenhearted girls. And then she made the theme song for the new Bond movie and I was blown away. You see from a mile that it is a Bond song, but she gave it that something that made it one of the best Bond songs ever.

Iskreno nisam neki fan Adele. Iako ima odlican glas i pesme koje imaju znacenje, njene pesme su mi isuvise za ucveljene tinejdzerke. Ali, pesmi Skyfall se mora odati priznanje. Na prvo slusanje se vidi da je u pitanju klasicna Bond pesma, ali joj je Adele dala ono nesto sto je izdvaja od klasicnih Bond pesama. Definitivno jedna od boljih pesama iz filmova o poznatom agentu.

11. Rihanna - Diamonds

Rihanna can be quite boring with releasing a new album every year, but she does try to reinvent herself every time, and this time she did a nice job with it. Even though she sounds a bit like Sia (who wrote the song), I can't find many flaws to the song.

Za Rihanna-u se moze reci da je dosadna kad izdaje svake godine po album, ali ipak sa svakim albumom pokusava da uradi nesto novo, i ovog puta je definitivno uspela. Iako joj glas vuce na Sia-in (a Sia je napisala pesmu), ova pesma je poprilicno bez mana.

10. Nicki Minaj - Starships

With Nicki being a rapper, and a pretty good one, I have to say I was at first disappointed when I saw this track has absolutely nothing to do with rap. But then I embraced this amazing dance track with one of the weirdest sounding breaks ever.

Posto je Nicki reperka, i to dobra reperka, na prvo slusanje pesme mi je bilo zao sto Starships nema nikakve veze sa repom. Medjutim, ubrzo sam zgotivio ovu sjajnu dens numeru. Samo se nadam da ce Nicki ipak ostati verna sebi i svom prvom-ne toliko dens albumu.

9. Linkin Park - Burn It Down

Linkin Park at their best. This electronic rock song is just out of this world good. Chester's amazing vocals + Mike's rap break + mindblowing music = one of the defining songs of the year.

Linkin Park u svom punom sjaju. Cester-ov neverovatan vokal + Mike-ovo odlicno repovanje + sjajna muzika daju jednu od pesama koje su zasigurno obelezile godinu koja je za nama.

8. Bruno Mars - Locked Out Of Heaven

Remember I said I disliked Adele? Well I disliked Bruno even more. There's just something about him I really hated. So imagine my surprise when I listened to this song on the radio and said I liked it. In time like turned to love, and that's why the song occupies the 8th spot.

Secate se kako rekoh da nisam gotivio Adele? E, pa Bruno-a sam jos manje gotivio. Jednostavno ima nesto kod njega sto mi se nije dopadalo. I onda mozete zamisliti moj sok kad sam cuo pesmu na radiu, rekao da mi se svidja i saznao da je njegova. Vremenom mi se pesma sve vise svidjala i zato je ona i na osmom mestu.

7. Calvin Harris Ft. Ne-Yo - Let's Go

One of the ultimate club tracks, workout tracks, having-a-good-time tracks. 2012 was the year of Calvin, and this song proves it!

Pesma koja moze da se slusa u klubu, u teretani, bilo kad, bilo gde. Jedna od onih pesama koja nam daje energiju. Prethodna godina je bila u znaku Calvin-a i ova pesma je samo jos jedan dokaz toga.

6. David Guetta Ft. Nicki Minaj - Turn Me On

Even though Guetta had changed a lot since he first appeared, he still know how to make sick music. The song is classis Europop, but with Guetta's twist. Nicki's autotuned voice really fits the song.

Iako se Guetta dosta promenio od kad je izdao svoje prve hitove i dalje zna da napravi dobru pesmu koju ce radio stanice pustati do iznemoglosti. Ovo je klasicna Europop pesma sa Guetta-inim pecatom. Iako je Nicki kritikovana zbog toga sto joj je glas ovde isuvise autotjunovan, ja mislim da to bas pristaje pesmi.

5. The Veronicas - Lolita

After four years of waiting for something new, The Veronicas' fans were delighted to hear they are finally making a comeback. And then they were disappointed with Lolita. I have to admit, the song isn't really similar to their previous hits like Hook Me Up or Untouched, but it does have their signature singing style and even with the unnecessary use of dubstep, I enjoyed the song.

Nakon cetiri godine iscekivanja, fanovi grupe The Veronicas su bili ushiceni kad su culi da devojke planiraju kambek. I onda cu ih docekali na noz kad su culi pesmu Lolita. Iako pesma nije po mnogo cemu slicna njihovim hitovima Hook Me Up i Untouched, ipak ima njihov prepoznatljiv stil pevanja. U citavoj pesmi im mozda nije trebao dubstep, ali sam isuvise srecan sto su izdale nesto novo da bih se na to zalio.

4. Alex Clare - Too Close

Speaking of dubstep... Alex Clare's song (which became a hit after it was used in Internet Explorer's commercial) has it. And just the right amount of it. I think it is just the dubstep part that made this song stand out, not just in my eyes, but the eyes of the other fans of the song.

Kad smo vec kod dubstepa, pesma Too Close ga ima i to u pravoj kolicini. Odlicno upotrebljen dubstep deo u refrenu je izdvojio ovu pesmu u ocima mnogih fanova. P.S. Pesma je inace postala hit, nakon sto je upotrebljena u reklami za Internet Explorer. Napokon nesto dobro da dodje i od njega.

3. Girls Aloud - Something New

Another comeback that I have been awaiting was from these girls. The girls with the most UK top 10 singles have been missing in action for some time, and everybody expected their comeback single to be the biggest one of the 2012. And just like with The Veronicas, the fans were underwhelmed with the outcome. Still it gave them another UK top 10 single, and a spot on my list.

Jos jedan kambek koji se cekao godinama. Devojke koje su usle u Ginisovu knjigu rekorda kao grupa sa najvise uzastopnih top 10 singlova u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu su se vratile sa novim singlom koji je bio poklon fanovima za desetogodisnjicu postojanja grupe. Iako su svi ocekivali da ce pesma pokidati na listama, dospele su tek na drugo mesto u UK i na 3 mesto moje godisnje liste.

2. Cheryl - Call My Name

This member of the Girls Aloud had much succes on her own. Having a few top 10 singles and two number one albums, Cheryl made a name for herself. This song was made in colaboration with Calvin Harris, so no wonder it is one of those songs you can't get out of your head.

Cheryl, koja je clanica grupe Girls Aloud, je stvarno imala uspesnu solo karijeru. Nekoliko top 10 singlova i dva albuma koja su bila na prvom mestu u UK su dokazali svima da Cheryl ima dosta fanova cak i kad nije u grupi. Pesma Call My Name je radjena u kolaboraciji sa Calvin-om, te nije ni cudo sto je jedna od onih pesama koja ne izlazi iz glave.

1. PSY - Gangnam Style

No surprise here. You can't talk about 2012 in music and not mention this guy and his horse riding video. PSY, the owner of YouTube's most watched and most liked video ever, had the world in the palm of his hand last year. Doesn't matter if you love him or hate him, the song was everywhere, everyone danced the Gangnam dance, and you gotta admit the song is full of positive energy. You don't have to understand the lyrics to like this song.

Nemoguce je pricati o muzici 2012. a ne spomenuti PSY-a. Koreanac, koji je vlasnik najgledanijeg i najlajkovanijeg videa YouTube-a ikada je pokorio svet sa svojom pesmom. Iako 99% ljudi ne zna tekst, a 98% znacenje pesme, svi su igrali cudni kaubojski ples iz videa. Pesma budi neku pozitivnu energiju u meni, ne moras razumeti tekst pesme da bi je voleo, tera te da igras... To su samo neki od razloga zasto je pesma meni gotivna i zasto je zasluzeno na prvom mestu moje liste.

That's it guys, hope you had a great 2012, and that you will have an even better 2013. Expect a regular post tomorrow.

To je to od mene i muzike iz 2012. godine. Nadam se da ste imali sjajnu 2012. i da ce vam 2013. biti jos bolja. Prvi regularni clanak ocekujte sutra.

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