Yes, you read it right, Justin is back. JT is returning to what he does best and that's singing. Even though he is a decent actor and what not, I believe he is best at making good music. So after six years, JT has released new material, aka the song Suit & Tie. Now, I have to say I like the music he previously made, but I am just not buying this Jay-Z collaboration. The song ain't bad, but it definitely doesn't sound like some massive comeback single that you need after you have been MIA for so long. The tune sounds outdated, the beat is kinda boring, and the song as a whole sounds more like some b-side or maybe a promotional single. Definitely not a comeback single. Will this top charts? Hardly. Will it be a successful single? Modestly. Is Jay-Z really needed here? Nope. So, what do you think? Is the single fire or do you think JT needs more time to get it right?
P.S. Maybe Justin rushed with this single a bit because of the reveal of new Myspace?
Timberlake se vratio! Nakon sto ga sest godina nije bilo u muzickom svetu, Justin je odlucio da je vreme za povratak na scenu. Pesma koja ce mu posluziti kao kambek singl je Suit & Tie koja je uradjena u kolaboraciji sa Jay-Z-em. Iako su mi prethodne Justin-ove pesme bile dobre, ova mi definitivno ne zvuci kao bilo koji od njegovih prethodnih hitova. To naravno ne znaci uvek da je pesma losa, ali u ovom slucaju znaci bas to. Ritam pesme je dosadan, Jay-Z-ev deo je relativno nebitan u pesmi i sve kao celina ne zvuci kao nesto sto bi trebalo da najavi povratak Justin-a na scenu. Moje misljenje je da pesma nece biti neki hit, ali i da je moguce da ce uskoro Justin-ov menadzment reci da je ovo samo buzz single kako bi zainteresovali ljude za Justin-ov sledeci album. Ili je pesma tu samo kako bi sto vise doprinela tome da se prica o novom Myspace-u koji je danas lansiran? Preslusajte pesmu, pa i sami prosudite.
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