Thursday, January 31, 2013

Nicole gets multiplied in new video

Nicole is back! After not releasing anything for more than a year and after being a judge on both the US and the UK X factor, Nicki is back to releasing good music. Her new single is titled Boomerang and the accompanying video was released a couple of days ago. Both the video and the song are nothing spectacular, yet they are pretty good. The video shows Nicole dancing and getting multiplied in order to give this video at least something interesting. When it comes to the song, it reminds me of her many failed attempts to make a popular feel good song (Nobody Can Change Me, Pretty). I like the song, but I don't think it will have much success anywhere outside UK. We'll see if I'm wrong when the single is released in March.

 Nicole se vratila! Nakon sto nije izdala nijedan singl skoro godinu dana i nakon sto je bila sudija u Americkom, a i Britanskom izdanju X Factor-a, Nicole se vratila pevanju. Novi singl se zove Boomerang i video za pesmu je izasao pre nekoliko dana. Ni video ni pesma nisu nesto spektakularno, ali su sasvim dobri jer kad imas glas, a i telo kao Nicole, ne mozes da pogresis. U video klipu Nicole kao i uvek dosta igra, a kako bi video bio makar po necemu zanimljiv, kroz dobar deo videa, Nicole je multiplikovana. Sto se tice pesme, nazalost, ona me podseca na Nicole-ine mnoge ranije neuspele pokusaje da napravi hit feel-good pesmu (Nobody Can Change Me, Pretty). Iako mi se pesma dopada, ne verujem da ce van Velike Britanije imati neki uspeh. U martu cemo saznati da li gresim, jer ce tada singl biti i izdat.

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