Monday, January 7, 2013

LMFAO really love their bottles

Party-rockers, aka LMFAO, have officially been on hiatus since September 2012. Redfoo and Skyblu felt like they are going in two different directions when it comes to music so they figured the best thing for them would be to take some time apart and make solo music. But even as solo artists, you can see they have something in common (other then having the same last name). They both have new songs out and both songs have bottle in the title. Coincidence? Maybe. Both songs sound like solid party tracks and it wouldn't come as a surprise if I hear either of them in some club soon. But, the question is which one do you like more? Whose bottle would you sip from? Take a listen below and decide.

LMFAO, grupa poznata po svojim pesmama koje su bile nezaobilazni deo svake zurke prethodnih godina, u skorije vreme nece izdati neki novi singl. Clanovi grupe, Redfoo i Skyblu su odlucili da je doslo vreme da naprave pauzu s obzirom da zele da eksperimentisu sa razlicitim zanrovima muzike. U prethodnih par dana su obojica izdali nove pesme i iako vise nisu zajedno kao grupa vidi se da dele nesto vise od istog prezimena. Naime, i u jednoj i u drugoj pesmi se spominju flase (bottles), obe pesme su prave parti pesme i ne zvuce mnogo drugacije od pesama koje smo ranije culi od LMFAO-a. Naravno, pitanje koje ce sada svi postavljati je: cija pesma je bolja?  Poslusajte obe pesme, pa odlucite sami.

 Redfoo - Bring Out The Bottles

Skyblu - Pop Bottles

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