Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hurts go down a new 'Road' for the second album

Hurts, the band behind hits like Wonderful Life and Stay are making a comeback this year with a new single which will be followed by a new album. The new album is called Exile, and we got a first taste of it with a teaser video back in December. The video, in some parts reminded me of American Horror Story: Asylum, so I didn't know what to expect. Then, on December 21st, they released an  audio of the song The Road, which is definitely a Depeche Mode influenced song. The band said that we could expect a bit of a darker album, so this song really fits that profile. But, The Road was just a promotional song. Two days ago, we finally got a lead single, titled Miracle, and I got a say, it's amazing. The beginning of the song sounds like Coldplay, but the rest of the song is 100% Hurts. The single will be officially released on March, 10. Theo and Adam also promised to tease us with some new songs on their concerts in February. If they continue the way they started, they might just get that UK No.1 single. Listen to the song Miracle below, and give me your opinion.

Hurts, bend koji iza sebe ima hitove kao sto su Wonderful Life i Stay se ove godine vracaju na scenu sa novim singlom i novim albumom. Ime novog albuma je Exile. Klip koji najavljuje album je stavljen na njihov zvanicni YouTube profil sredinom decembra i posto su me delovi klipa podsecali na odsecke serije American Horror Story: Ludnica, nisam znao sta da ocekujem od njih. Nedelju dana nakon izlaska tog videa su okacili audio klip za pesmu The Road, pesmu koja po mnogo cemu podseca na dobro poznati zvuk Depeche Mode-a. S obzirom da je bend rekao da ce na novom albumu biti mracnije pesme, The Road je definitivno bio korak u tom pravcu. Medjutim, glavni singl sa novog albuma je predstavljen tek prekjuce, i ime singla je Miracle. Pocetak pesme zvuci malo kao Coldplay, ali je ostatak pesme pravi synthpop kakav se i ocekuje od Hurts-a. Singl ce biti objavljen u Velikoj Britaniji 10. marta, a do tada nam je obecano da cemo cuti jos par novih pesama na nastupima koje Hurts ima zakazane za februar. Po mom misljenju ako nastave pravcem kojim su krenuli, sasvim je sigurno da ce uskoro moci da se pohvale sa singlom koji je bio na vrhu liste Britanskih singlova. Poslusajte Miracle i dajte svoje misljenje.

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