Tomorrow is the day Inna releases her third studio album Party Never Ends. I've been waiting for this album for a long time, and I will be very happy when it is released tomorrow. And what an album it will be. According to Wikipedia the regular edition of the album will have 16 songs, while the Deluxe one will have 24! That's a lot of songs! And to make things even better in the last couple of days, she has been releasing online videos for some of the songs from the album. Below you will find my current favorites: Lover, Fall in Love and Tonight (yup, the same Tonight we heard on Alexandra Burke's 2012 album). I hope the rest of the album sound just as amazing as these songs.
Sutra je dan kada ce Inna objaviti svoj treci studijski album Party Never Ends. S obzirom na to da sam dugo cekao ovaj album, veoma sam srecan sto napokon izlazi. Obicno izdanje albuma sadrzi 16 pesama, dok ce deluks izdanje imati 24 pesme! To je dosta pesama koje ce se sigurno pustati na mnogim zurkama ove godine! Inna je pored svega toga prethodnih par dana objavljivala onlajn video klipove za neke od pesama sa albuma. Moji trenutni favoriti su: Lover, Fall in Love i Tonight (da, ista pesma Tonight koju smo culi na albumu Alexandra-e Burke iz 2012.). Nadam se da ce i ostatak albuma biti ovako dobar!